Glad Mad - Policies

Return Policy

At Glad and Mad Pizza, we strive to provide you with the best quality food and service. If you're not completely satisfied with your order, we're here to help. Please review our return policy below:

1. Eligibility for Returns
- Returns or refunds are only eligible for orders with issues such as incorrect items, missing items, or damaged food packaging.
- Food that has been consumed or tampered with after delivery is not eligible for a return or refund.

2. Reporting an Issue
- To report an issue, please contact our customer support team at or call us at 7900003306, within 10 minutes of receiving your order.
- Provide your order number, a detailed description of the issue, and, if possible, photographic evidence of the problem.

3. Return Process
- Once your issue is reported and verified, we may offer one of the following resolutions:
- Replacement: We will send a replacement for the incorrect or damaged items as soon as possible.
- Refund: If a replacement is not possible, a refund will be processed within 5 days to your original payment method , visit our refund policy for more information.

4. Non-Returnable Items
- Orders where the customer has provided incorrect delivery information.
- Orders where the food was delivered as ordered but is not to the customer’s taste preference.

5. Contact Us
- For any return inquiries, please contact our customer support team at or call us at 7900003306.

We value your feedback and aim to improve our services continuously. Thank you for choosing Glad and Mad Pizza!
